My Story

About Me and Shamma 💜

 My Story begins when me and my sister succeed at grade 12, it was one of the best days in our life. Me and my sister started talking about what should we do now in college and what major's should we decide to go on through. Our decision was that I will do Physics and my sister will do Math although she liked Nutrition also. We went with the company of our dad to the university and at that time my sister started saying maybe I'm going to change my decision and go for Nutrition and my dad supported and motivated her so much and tried to change my mind, daddy started to say that in future you and your sister will open the same clinic and you will help each other and it will be better that teaching but Alhamulilah I didn't changed my mind and having a strong cause of not changing it by saying " I hate Biology". My dad wasn't that happy that time and I faced lots of problems at the first year in university and my marks wasn't that good, dad kept saying change your major to Education. I kept on thinking in his words (change your major to Education) for a whole year, until I found that it's time to go and talk to Dr. Ahmad Faraj. And yes I went and told him that I really like Physics but I don't know what's going on with me my marks are not good even though I'm passing the courses and I need your advice, Dr. Ahmad said, "Your the kind of the students that at the beginning your GPA will be low but wait till the next year and you will see the huge difference and you will remember my words." Dr. Ahmad gave me the hope that I can do it and I need to keep on working on myself more and more, and yes I made it. Unfortunately my sister regret about the decision that she had took! And now I kept on going in the Education domain (Teaching Diploma) which is really amazing and it's my last semester and I will graduate Summer 2018.


  1. Nice to hear that you didn't give up on your dreams and wish you all the luck in your upcoming years!

  2. It seems that your strong will and hard efforts paid well. Good Luck!


The Webinar that I attended

Bringing Computer Science and Robotics to the Youngest of Learners     The webinar I attended was on February 27th 2018 and was title ...