Friday, March 16, 2018

Don't Take Me Back!

 In one of the courses I was told to write about my experience at school and what do I remember from that old days and this is what I wrote.

 If you can read this, thank a teacher. Succeeding was my goal but failing was always the result.  Screaming, making fun, not caring, physical abuse were the objectives in class from 8am till 2pm, it
 was just a nightmare for me that hated waking up from sweet dreams to attend the terrible nightmare
 every single day. What if the teacher could give some encouragement for the learners? What if the
 teacher smiled for the learner every morning? What if the teacher had taught that physical abuse is
 not a solution of a problem? What if the teacher taught the learner that every single person makes a
 lot of mistake? 

 The teacher was so strict with the learners, the learners used to wonder why the teacher won’t smile or say hello for anyone of the learners. It was something that all students in the classroom were wondering what happens if the teacher smile or what will happen if the learners smiled to the teacher. Learners were feeling priceless that the teacher never said hello for any of the learners. This attitude reflected on m at when I reach home I never said “hello mom”, my mother asked the author “why don’t you say hello” I claimed, "The teacher doesn’t say hello why should I say?” According to Wise (2016), saying hello and greeting your student everyday will make them feel that you are happy to see them. A situation that I will never forget is that one time the teacher shouted, “You tall stupid girl get up to the board” which made all the class laugh at the student and also the teacher made fun at the student by laughing and making jokes toward the student, the second day the learners in class where wondering where is that tall student, the answer was the student left school and till now the student never went back to any school because of that thing that happened. Most student will get teased and bullied not only by their pal also by their teachers. Being teased by the teacher cause your child bully others, it will distract the student from being able to focus on schoolwork for the rest of the day. Less focus and less interest in school leads to the failure of the student in the academic performance claimed by (Sherwood, 2015)


  1. What a touching piece of writing! This proves that all teachers leave a remarkable spot on their students' hearts. This spot can be either black or white. Unfortunately, your teacher left the black one but hopefully, this had taught you a treasurable lesson on how to deal with your students in a positive and encouraging way.

  2. This is very heart breaking, but it should give you motivation to become a teacher opposite to the one you had and leave a good impression on your students.


The Webinar that I attended

Bringing Computer Science and Robotics to the Youngest of Learners     The webinar I attended was on February 27th 2018 and was title ...