Saturday, March 17, 2018

Students Coming from a Dysfunctional Family

How can you know if your student is coming from a dysfunctional family?

- They lie when it would be just as easy to tell the truth. Lying becomes a part of what it
   could be useful for them, because lying is normal in their house.

- They judge themselves without mercy. They always blame themselves because their
   parents blame them too, they see themselves as the main cause of whatever the problem

- They are very serious and barely have friends, they have difficulties in making good
   relation ships, in the classroom teachers will notice that because they prefer to be isolated
   from others.

- They always make comparison between their life and others life.   
- They are extremely loyal.

What are the causes?

- Addiction
- Divorce
- Used as a pawn
- Violent Behavior
- Financial Situation
- Authority

How can we deal with them? 

- Make learning relevant.
- Help students establish positive peer relationships.
- Teach behavior management skills.
- Identify and deal with depression. 
- Help students cope with stress. 

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